Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Alrighty then. In this past month and a half I have graduated from College with a Bachelor of Biblical Studies with a Music minor. gotten engaged at a grad retreat to Jasper. And have started a job with the disaster services.
the graduation was fun. but my family was kind of rushed while here since our school bus broke back at home so they had to get back and try and fix it before monday. Mom did have time to go shopping wth me though. And my grad cap has a pink tassle (it's the music minor).
The trip to Jasper was a lot of fun. got to relax and enjoy nature. I wanted to propose on a mountain top but that didn't happen so I instead proposed in the sauna after the others that were in there left. (I just really wanted it to happen at the retreat). We kept it quiet until the ring was finished being sized and I proposed again, and this time it was done properly.... sorta. The weather made it dificult and I had to replan. We are hoping to have the wedding around christmas but we'll see how things go.
My job is a lot of fun. we get to go and tear out other peoples houses and make the insurance companies pay for it all. Yesterday I wore a gas mask for a mold job. And the day before that I got paid to lie on my side cutting jyprock at a mansion (seriously this place is unbelievably posh.) I am really loving the concept of overtime, expecially since in the past two days I have had 10 hours of it.
My cell phone plan is finally working the way I want it to and I even got tellus to take some money off the bill. Although my phone has stopped recieveing picture messages from my fiance. (going to make wedding planning harder.) Well I think that is all. if you have any questions leave a comment or drop me a line.

Friday, March 16, 2007

2 months since

okay, how to summarize the last 2 months. January was very busy and a lot of fun.... February we had YA (a type of youth conference here at the college). My job got cut during it but I still kept myself very busy and had even more fun. Now I am in the process of finishing up the movies of the drama's so that we can start handing them out. Other than video footage the only thing from YA that lasted more than the ink on some guys arms is the 16 foot snow Lego man that sits in the middle of the campus. we expect him to make it half the summer. After YA there was a lot of catch up homework that needed to get done. I had some tests that required me to memorize all the research for 4 papers and then write one of them out completely from memory in class. That's a great way to learn your stuff.... but I still can't remember it. After 4 months of humming and hawwing I have finally settled of a summer plan. I am going to work for disaster services for 3 months and possibly get a side job with it, then go home to help with the harvest. I am really enjoying this last semester at Bible College. I've worked myself to the bone getting here so now I have few enough credits that this last month and a half is going to be quite relaxed. Yesterday was the one year dating anniversary for me and Ms. M, she had no idea what was happening and I got called romantic. All without leaving the campus. And because I know some of you will ask, no I have not given Ms. M a ring. The classes this semester are definitely challenging but are none the less, AMAZING.
I'm sure there are many other interesting things that have happened but I can't think of them now so you'll just have to miss out on them
P.S. I cut off my fro.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Lets bring in the new year.

my goodness I haven't been ere in a long time. HI! I'm still alive. and kicking. and getting kicked by cows. So let's see where I left off. umm I just finished my second last semester of Bible college. All went well and I was able to pull up my GPA again from the catastrophe that is over booking my time the previous year. I'm finally starting to get the hang of administrating several things at once and don't feel so awkward about calling strange people who are older than me and telling them when I need them to come and work so I can train the to work on their own. I haven't heard how they did over the Christmas break though. I kinda feel bad about abandoning them even though it is not realistic for me to stick around just to run powerpoint at a church that has at least 10 people that know how but are either to lazy or lacking in self confidence. Especially when I'm working on setting up a powerpoint system at my home church and finding people to run that one.
I am now back at School again and taking less credits than I have to date. This is my slack semester where I wander around making random movies and helping out random people whenever I get the spontaneous urge to. Although I do have one course where I have to write 2 papers and memorize both of them so that during class I can write one of them out with footnotes and references and everything and I don't get warning as to which one I'll be doing.
In a few days Miss M and I will have been going out for 10 months and enjoying every moment of it. I spent a few days at her house over the break including New Years. We make a pretty good team in Halo 2, for both not being that good at it. She runs out and gets shot at and I get to save her, like a good boyfriend, and follow the line of fire and pick off the people hiding in the rocks. I had a lot of fun and got so bond with her family some more. She also came out and met 40 other members of my extended family. I also seemed to get Christmas presents from all over the place but this year presents were an afterthough everywhere I went. It was overall the most enjoyable, relaxing, and uplifting Christmas I have ever had.

I wish the best to all of you in the New Year and I believe this is a year that will mark change. Whenever you see loose change lying around remember that. And if you would like, those of you who know my number can give me a call and I'll explain what I mean by this.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

ho hum

oh, lets see. it's been almost a month since my last real post. Life's been a lot of fun, sometimes stressfull but mostly fun. I'm finding out just how unreliable young males seem to be. I bought Miss. M a promise ring, its got 3 saphires on it. I went home for reading break and got a moose. Got a cold too. And now I'm back at school and in the rythm again. Yay for peace on earth and good will to me! :D

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open the book to page 123.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post it on your blog, along with these instructions
5. Don't go running and finding something "cool" or "intellectual"! Really the closest book!

it's a phone book. sooo... "Kodiak Energy Services Ltd. - 568-4508

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Yay something happened this weekend

Where to start, where to start.
Lets start friday morning. Had a bunch of classes then ran to the dining hall to make sure that everything was working for chapel that morning since the gym was being used for a tournament. By the time I got there someone had dropped the schools laptop for the 10th time so I had to use mine. The sound only worked half the time but thats not my problem. The next day (saturday) I got up at 7:30 and did some job future research online. Spent the day in the library then that evening watched "over the hedge" in a class room. The DVD player is messed up but its not my turn to worry about that and so I waited for someone to offer the use of another DVD player. Its kinda nice to not fix everything all the time. Also that day I found out that all four rides that I could have had to go to church the next morning were not going and I needed to be there to train some powerpoint personnel. So I borrowed a car. As I tried to leave the parking lot sunday morning I couldn't seem to get the car in reverse, all the other gears were fine though so I pushed the car out of it's stall and went on my mary way. Church went smoothly despite a complete lack of communication to the powerpoint area on order of songs. Half way through the day my Aunt and Uncle showed up unannounced for a tour of the place. They graduated from here a while ago and there have been a lot of changes since then. It was a nice surprise, and I wouldn't mind them doing that when I've got a big paper due.
so that was my weekend. Not overly full but interesting enough.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Why do I do this

I wait so long to put in new entries that I don't remember what has happened that I can put in here. Well I'll give it a try.
The day before I came back to school I ran sound at a friends wedding. Half the equiptment I had to scavange from anyone that would lend it out. But it was a lot of fun and there was some great fireworks afterwards.
When I got back to school I discovered I almost got the same room I had before and did get the same roomie from last year. The past month we've continued to scare ourselves with the similarities we have with each other. I've made a few movies already and have another four to make in the next couple weeks. I'm comfortable enough with the programs and have enough time to do my own video work that it's a lot of fun with minimal stress.
I've also had the oportunity to spend a saturday cutting wood (which felt great), and and evening chasing some cattle around and jumping in front of a charging bull. :) soooo much fun.
A couple weeks ago we had Water Balloon Mania being in charge of video for that can be a little hectic but I kinda enjoy working like that. There were a few new toys I got to play with too. I am also running powerpoint a church around here. I've got to call around every week to get things ready and find out which guy I'll be working with to train for that week.
This past weekend was thanksgiving and it started for me midnight on wednesday. Miss M. and I got on a greyhound and went to her parents for the night, then to the hospital in the morning, my parents after that. The next day we got lost in Edmonton, went back to her parents, crashed a wedding the next day, went to church the day after that and made an appearance at a gift oppening. The day after that we came back here to PRBI. It was very relaxing and a lot of fun.
But now here I am a school again and trying to find a ride into GP every other day again.

Oh, and I almost forgot... I turned 20 this past month. YAY for me